THE STORY OF NOAH'S ARK (Genesis chapters 6 to 9)
After the creation of the earth along with the plants, animals ect., God also made man. Man was made in the likeness of God,
he was sinless. God also made women from the rib of man. Many years after the creation, God saw that mankind was very
wicked, corrupted and full of violence. God decided to put an end to all the people because of the violence but spare Noah
and his family because Noah was found righteous and blameless, and walked with God. God instructed Noah to build an Ark
450 feet long. The earth was to be destroyed by water, perishing everything on the earth, however Noah and his family (along
with the animals) were to be saved by the Ark.
God caused the animals to come to Noah to be kept alive during the flood. Two of every living creatures, male and female, plus
the creatures that moves along the ground came to Noah. Also seven of every kind of bird and seven of every kind of clean
animal. Noah had to gather all kinds of foods for these animals plus for his family and store it in the Ark.
When everything was completed, God commanded Noah and his family to go into the ark. After 7 days in the ark, the rain
came for 40 days and 40 nights as well as water coming out of the surface of the earth. The ark lifted as the waters filled the
whole earth covering even the mountain tops. All living creatures on the face of the earth was wiped out. The earth was flooded
for 150 days.
God caused the water to receded. Noah first sent out a raven to see if the waters had receded, and it kept flying back and
forth. The next bird Noah sent out was a dove. It returned for it could not find no dry land for it's feet. Seven days later Noah
sent the dove out again and it returned in the evening with a fresh plucked olive leaf in it's beak. Noah sent the dove out again
seven days later and it didn't return. Now Noah knew that the water had receded.
Noah removed the covering of the ark and his family along with the animals, came out of the ark. God promise never to destroy
the earth with water again. The rainbow was God's sign of this promise.